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北汽福田灯具; 唐骏欧铃灯具; 北京旗铃灯具; 凯马金利莱灯具; 五征1800/2000; 江淮...


本厂专业生产北汽福田ollin奥铃捷运 l1695 l1800 l1995,时代领航1785/1900,福田2010版驭菱 福田驭菱c/d版1475,小卡之星 赛瑞1580/1585/1695 福锐1540,福田欧马可n1780,时代轻卡,时代金刚568/588/598/608/688/608y,五征1800/2000,唐骏欧铃,北京旗铃,长沙瑞琪,k马金利莱,轻骑欧贝,新老江淮 808系列,小金宝,东风小霸王,英田 南骏系列灯具/中网/保险杠及其它塑料配件,为了节能降耗,本厂开发了多种led灯具,欢迎来电咨询。 电 话:18951272019网址: q : 1841257984(丹阳市杰瑞达汽车配件有限公司)/493778934(飞鸟孤独)邮箱:js.rd@qq.com名称:丹阳市杰瑞达汽车配件有限公司 有新产品发布,请登录查看

develops 2010 edition of fukuda automobiles to drive a horse newly in the water chestnut head lamp against fog lamp the net bumper to have the goods, welcome to discuss
this factory specialized production beiqi fukuda ollin austria bell dorts l1695 l1800 to surmount l1995, the time navigates 1785/1900, the fukuda 2010 editions drive a horse water chestnut fukuda to drive a horse the water chestnut c/d version 1475, star of match switzerland 1580/1585/1695 luck small card sharp 1540, fukuda omagh may n1780, the time light card, time jin'gang 568/588/598/608/688/608y, tang junou the bell, beijing flag bell, k horse kinley lai, the light cavalry europe shell, the new old jiangsu and anhui 808 series, the small gold, the east wind spoiled child, south the british field the steed series lamps and lanterns/net/bumper and other plastic fitting, to conserve energy falls consumes, this factory has developed many kinds of led lamps and lanterns, welcome the electricity consultation. telephone: 18951272019 website

企业名称: 丹阳市杰瑞达汽车配件有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 全国 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商
所属范围: 北汽福田灯具; 唐骏欧铃灯具; 北京旗铃灯具; 凯马金利莱灯具; 五征1800/2000; 江淮灯具; 福田奥铃捷运灯具; 福田领航灯具; 福田捷顺,骑仕,祥锐灯具; 福田驭菱C/Q版灯具; 福田小卡灯具; 福田欧马克灯具; 福田时代轻卡; 领航; 金刚588; 长沙瑞琪灯具; 黑豹; 福田V5; 福田K1